Sunday 19 December 2010

R&B Magazine Codes + Conventions

I have choosen to create an R&B magazine for females. In preparation for this I have analysed the image of five different artists that will be representitive of the artists I will feature in my music magazine, Alicia Keys, Beyonce, Leona Lewis, Nicki Minaj and Rhianna. In this section I will talk about the codes and conventions of R&B magazines and how they represent females.

R&B music magazine's conventionally represent females as sex objects, because the target audience are male, currently there are no R&B magazines that are aimed at females.
Women are often shown wearing bikinis or other types of revealing outfits. The main sell line related to them often pulls in the male reader more, and includes pin-up style posters.

Instead of exploiting and degrading female R&B artist's I want to represent them not just a sex object, but for the person they are.

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